10 – Pyle Pro Mixer Owner’s Manual
Using the Master
Balance Control (PYD-1005)
In the typical performance environment, you
will want the sound to appear to be coming
from a point midway between the speakers.
If the sound appears to be louder from one
speaker, adjust the Balance Control until the
sound is properly balanced.
Master Balance
Using the Master Level
The overall volume of the mix of all inputs is
adjusted using the Master Level control.Turning
this control clockwise increases the overall
system volume.
Master Level
Changing and Viewing
the Dual Meter Modes
Your mixer’s Dual Meter Mode feature allows
you to view the levels of each of the left and
right channels in the current mix, or to view
the cued (upcoming) program level compared
with the current mix (summed).
To change the current display, press the Meter
Mode button.The LEDs immediately to the left
of the button indicate the current meter mode.
Meter Mode