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PRIMA Offi cial Game Guide
Campus Legend: Part II
Campus Legend for the Xbox 360
and PlayStation 3 is brand new for
NCAA Football 08—so this guide fo-
cuses its attention on breaking down
that version in the pages ahead.
So without further ado, let’s launch
into the new Campus Legend as you
make your way from high school to
college graduation and beyond.
Begin Campus Legend by either
choosing a current player or build-
ing one from scratch. If you choose
a current player, make sure you’ll
have enough time to earn Campus
Legend status. For instance, choosing
a senior will give you just one year to
play—so don’t get hurt!
For most players, it’ll be much
more fun to start a player from
scratch. You’ll be able to fully cus-
tomize the look and playing style of
your player.
When you create a player, there
are three key choices: position,
tendency and favorite school. Posi-
tion is important—not only because
it’s what you’ll be playing for much
of the Campus Legend game, but it’ll
affect which of your stats improve as
you progress through college.
On offense, you can choose to be a
quarterback, a halfback or a wide re-
ceiver. On defense, you can choose
any defensive position.
Tendency is important because
it’ll help defi ne your base attributes.
Pick a tendency that most closely
matches your playing style—but we
recommend Speed or Balanced.
Your favorite school should be the
one you most want to attend. If you
don’t have a preference, then your
choice won’t matter much.
If you’re starting a player from
scratch, you begin Campus Legend
as a high school player in the play-
offs. College scouts will be attending
these games, so winning the state
championship isn’t enough—you
have to rack up big stats at your
position and dominate games to
impress the scouts and improve your
caliber ranking. On offense, that
means putting up big rushing and/or
passing yards; on defense, it means
making big tackles and preventing
During all games in Campus
Legend, you will only play if you’re
a starter. Furthermore, you will only
be in control of your own player.
Your coaches will determine which
plays to run; your job is to focus and
execute. If you’re not on the fi eld,
the computer will simulate the action
on it until your number is called back
into the game.
It’s important to study the play
art before each play so you know
what you’re supposed to do. Even
if you don’t get the ball, you have
to execute as the play dictates. For
example, if you’re a running back in a
play-action pass, you have to pick up
a block and protect your quarterback
so that he has time to throw.
On defense, keep pursuing and get
in on every tackle that you can.
Also make sure to adjust for au-
dibles; you’ll see the play art change
on the fi eld when an audible is called.
At the end of the game, you’ll be
able to view your caliber, game stats
and scouts in attendance. The key
stat is your caliber—get that to fi ve
stars and you’ll have a good chance
of going to a top-tier school.
As you progress through the play-
offs, the diffi culty level will rise. If
you’re on offense, remember to use
all your special moves, follow your
lead blockers—and sprint—to maxi-
mize yardage.
If you’re involved in a blowout
game, don’t be surprised if you ride
the bench in the fourth quarter—
that’s a good sign, since it means
you’ve probably put up good enough
numbers in terms of stats.
On offense, if you average at least
Playo games are played at high
school stadiums, but if you make
it to the state championship, it
will be played at a major college
stadium within your state.
Friday Night Lights: The ultimate
expression of high school football.
The player creation screen
Keep a close eye on your caliber
and the schools scouting you.