B. Clean battery compartment area.
C. Check specific gravity -- fully charged battery should read 1265.
D. Check fluid level in all cells. Fill with distilled water as necessary to bring fluid to within ¾” of the top.
2. Hydraulic System
A. Clean and inspect hydraulic cylinder.
B. Lubricate chains with a rust inhibitive chain lubricant.
C. Check chain tension. The chains should be tight enough so that they do not come off the chain roller
assembly. The tension should be adjusted so that the chains bear equal amounts of load weight.
3. Frame Assembly
A. Clean and lubricate all roller bearings and cam followers.
B. Clean and inspect all welds.
C. Check wheels for wear and damage.
D. Inspect nameplate for legibility. Place the serial and model number shown on the nameplate on the cover of
the manual for future reference.
IF LIFT DOES NOT RISE TO FULL HEIGHT -- check for leaks or shortage of oil. Maintain the proper oil level.
IF THE LIFT TENDS TO CREEP DOWNWARD UNDER A LOAD -- a speck of dirt may be obstructing the seating
of the valve and allowing leakage. To correct, follow these instructions:
• Raise lift to full lifting height and then lower it to lowest point of lift. It may be necessary to do this five or six
times. In lowering the lift, lower it in stages, that is, lower the lift six inches to a foot at a time. This will dislodge
the dirt and lift will operate properly.