
Page 46
DFS-1 Manual Revised 7/95
POWERTEC Ind. Corp.©
Following is a list of commands to the unit.
Detailed descriptions of each command are shown in
attachment A beginning on page 55.
Cmd # Description:
81h Description: (Status Request)
Respond with the current operating status
which includes commanded speed, actual
speed, and status bits.
82h Description: (Set Speed)
Commands the unit to set a new speed (or
ratio) but to delay changing to the new speed
until a command to do so is given ( #83)
83h Description: (Execute Speed)
Commands the unit to execute the speed
commanded in (#82) above.
84h Description: (Set and Execute Speed)
Commands the unit to set a new speed (or
ratio) and change to it immediately without
waiting for an execution command.
85h Description: (Read Parameter)
Commands the unit to send a specified current
parameter setting.
86h Description: (Write Parameter)
Commands the unit to change a specific
parameter to a new value.
87h Description: (Read Analog Input)
Commands the unit to send the value of an
analog input.
88h Description: (Read Analog Output)
Commands the unit to send the value of an
analog output.
89h Description: (Write Analog Output)
Commands the unit to put a specific value out
on one of the analog outputs.
8Ah Description: (Read Digital Input)
Commands the unit to send the status of a
digital input.
8Bh Description: (Read Digital Output)
Commands the unit to send the status of a
digital output.
8Ch Description: (Set Digital Output)
Commands the unit to turn on or off a specific
digital output.
8Dh Description: (Set Operational Mode)
Allows setting run, stop, preset, reverse
commands via comm link rather than through
the hardwired inputs.
8Eh Description: (Read Operational Mode)
Allows reading the status of all command
8Fh Description: (Application Mode)
Sets the setpoint for torque control or horse-
power control or other type of special
application when the setpoint is to be set by
communication rather than analog input