Blade Tracking
Refer to Figure 26.
After being properly tensioned, the blade must
be tracked. “Tracking” refers to the position of
the blade on the wheels while the machine is in
operation. Tracking should be checked
periodically, and is mandatory after every blade
change. Blade tracking is done by hand with the
machine disconnected from power.
1. Disconnect machine from power source.
2. The blade should be correctly tensioned.
3. Make sure the blade guides and other parts
of the machine will not interfere with the
movement of the blade. Lower the guide
post until you can see the blade through the
tracking window.
4. Set the quick tension lever intially to “Partial
Tension-Idle/Tracking” position, as shown in
Figure 26.
5. Open upper door to expose the upper
wheel. Rotate the wheel by hand, and
observe the position of the blade on the
wheel through the tracking window. As you
rotate the wheel, move the lever to “Full
Tension” position. The blade should
continue to ride upon the center of the
wheel (Figure 27).
IMPORTANT: Make tracking adjustments with
knob (F, Figure 26) while the blade is at full
tension. DO NOT use screws (G, Figure 26);
these were used by the manufacturer for wheel
alignment and should NOT be used for tracking.
6. If the blade tends to move toward the edge
of the wheel, loosen locking lever (E, Figure
26) and slightly rotate tracking knob (F) with
your right hand while continuing to rotate the
wheel with your left. Observe the blade
through the tracking window. Rotating the
tracking knob clockwise will cause the blade
to move toward the rear edge of the wheel.
Rotating the tracking knob counterclockwise
will cause the blade to move toward the
front edge of the wheel.
IMPORTANT: This adjustment is sensitive;
perform it in small increments and give the
blade time to react to the changes.
7. When the blade is tracking in the center of
the wheel, re-tighten locking lever (E), and
close upper door.
8. Move tension lever to “Full Tension”
position, and connect the band saw to
power. Turn it on for a brief time to observe
the blade in action through the tracking
Figure 26
Figure 27