User Manual V
IU 4350 Converged Network Appliance
4 - 8
The Network Test Tools page will be refreshed and the results of the traceroute
test are displayed (this may take several seconds). The Reset button is used to
clear the IP address entry used in step D above.
Restarting Networking Processes
In extreme circumstances while troubleshooting you may be asked to restart
the networking processes including the VoIP ALG in the 4350 by technical
support. Use the following steps to restart the networking processes:
1. Select System.
2. Select System Overview.
3. Select Networking Restart.
4. Press restart.
Rebooting the 4350
In extreme circumstances while troubleshooting you may be asked to reboot
the 4350 by technical support. Please use the following steps to reboot the
1. Select System.
2. Select System Overview.
3. Select Rebooting System.
4. Press reboot.
Alternatively a reset can be performed locally by temporarily disconnecting
the power cable from the 4350.
Restarting network services will interrupt the system for up to a minute. All voice
and data sessions currently in progress will be interrupted.
Rebooting the system will interrupt services for a few minutes. All voice and data
sessions currently in progress will be interrupted.