
KIRK Wireless Server 1500 Installation and Maintenance
Hexadecimal numbering of Base Stations
When using the handset as a signal meter, Base Station numbers are shown in
hexadecimal format as follows:
Base Station Hexadecimal Base Station Hexadecimal
00 00 16 10
01 01 17 11
02 02 18 12
03 03 19 13
04 04 20 14
05 05 21 15
06 06 22 16
07 07 23 17
08 08 24 18
09 09 25 19
10 0A 26 1A
11 0B 27 1B
12 0C 28 1C
13 0D 29 1D
14 0E 30 1E
15 0F 31 1F
3.6 Completing the Site Survey
By the end of the site survey, you should have established the optimum locations for the
Base Stations and any necessary Repeaters. Mark these locations clearly and plan out
how you will provide electrical power for Repeaters, if not yet in place.
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