Chapter 3-Basic Operation
•The High Port Usage threshold.
The High Port Usage threshold represents a percentage of the total
number of video or voice ports available. It is set to indicate when
resource usage is approaching its maximum, resulting in no free resources
to run additional conferences. When port usage reaches or exceeds the
threshold, the red area of the gauge flashes and a System Alert is
generated. The default port usage threshold is 80% and it can be modified
by the system administrator. For more information, see the RMX 1500/
2000/4000 Administrator’s Guide, "Port Usage Threshold” on page 18-71.
MCU State
The MCU State indicator displays one of the following:
• – The MCU is starting up. The time remaining until
the system start-up is complete is displayed between brackets while a
green progress indicator bar indicates the start-up progress.
• – The MCU is functioning normally.
• – The MCU has a major problem. MCU behavior
could be affected and attention is required.
Audio Ports In Use
Total Allocated Audio Ports In System
Video Port Usage Indicator
Total Allocated Video Ports (CIF resolution) In System
Video Ports In Use
Audio Port Usage Indicator
Audio and Video High Port Usage Threshold
Viewing Permissions
Progress Indicator Bar Time Remaining