Chapter 3-Basic Operation
Role Displays the participant’s role or function in the conference:
Chairperson – The participant is defined as the
conference chairperson. The chairperson can
manage the conference using touch-tone signals
(DTMF codes).
Lecturer – The participant is defined as the
conference Lecturer.
Lecturer and Chairperson – The participant is
defined as both the conference Lecturer and
Cascade Enabled Dial-out Participant – A special
participant functioning as a link in a cascaded
Recording – A special participant functioning as a
Recording Link.
IP Address/
The IP participant’s IP address or the ISDN/PSTN
participant’s phone number.
Alias Name/
SIP Address
The participant’s Alias Name or SIP URI.
The alias of an RSS 2000 Recording System if the
participant is functioning as a recording link.
Network The participant’s network connection type – H.323, SIP or
Dial-in – The participant dialed the conference.
Dial-out – The MCU dialed the participant.
Table 3-6 Participant Monitoring – Indicators and Properties (Continued)
Column Icon/Description