Chapter 1- Hardware Description
AC Power Entry Module (PEM)
An AC PEM includes a power inlet, EMI filter and backplane connectors.
Power input to the system is fed via a PEM (Power Entry Module)
through backplane into the power supply. Each AC power module has its
own dedicated power cable. The ON/OFF switch on the rear of the RMX
activates any power module installed on the RMX. An AC system has
three AC PEMs, one for each power module. On failure, both AC power
supplies and PEMs are hot swappable.
DC Power Rail Module
A DC power rail module includes a power inlet, circuit breaker, EMI filter
and backplane connectors. Power input to the system is fed via a power
rail through backplane into the power supply. Each DC power rail has its
own dedicated power cable. The circuit switch on the rear of the RMX
activates independently any power rail installed on the RMX. An DC
system has two DC rails, one for each power rail. On failure, a DC power
rail is field replaceable and the RMX must be switched OFF from the two
circuit switches and the mains.
Component Slot Allocation
On the RMX™ 4000, components have been assigned dedicated slots as
defined in Table 1-7. Slot numbers are located on both the front and rear
of the RMX™ 4000.
Table 1-7 RMX™ 4000 Slot Numbering
Slot ID/No. Card/Component Requirement
1-4 MPM+/MPMx
Mandatory: At least 1 MPM+/MPMxcard
is required. Each media card also
requires either an RTM ISDN or an RTM
LAN card.
5 Fabric Switch
Module (FSM
6 CPU 2 Not Available (NA)