Chapter 12-Conference and Participant Monitoring
Polycom, Inc. 12-17
The following icons and statuses are displayed in the Participant Status column:
When the Operator moves the participant to the Operator conference for individual assistance
the participant Status indications are cleared.
Request to Speak
Participants that were muted by the conference organizer/system operator can indicate that
they want to be unmuted by entering the appropriate DTMF code.
An icon is displayed in the Role column of the Participants list for 30 seconds.
Request to Speak is:
• Activated when the participant enters the appropriate DTMF code (default: 99).
The DTMF code can be modified in the conference IVR Service Properties - DTMF Codes
dialog box.
• Available for dial-in and dial-out participants.
• A participant can request to speak more than once during the conference.
Table 12-8 Participants List Status Column Icons and Indications
Icon Status indication Description
Awaiting Individual
The participant has requested the operator’s assistance
for himself/herself.
Awaiting Conference
The participant has requested the operator’s assistance
for the conference. Usually this means that the operator
is requested to join the conference.