Polycom® RSS
4000 Getting Started Guide – Version 6.0
For example, to set the IP address of LAN1 port to, subnet mask to and gateway address to, enter the following
The same steps are also applicable for a Telnet connection.
Only one console (Telnet or RS232) at a time can be connected.
(Optional) Gatekeeper Configuration
If a gatekeeper is configured on your network, register the Polycom® RSS™ 4000 to
the gatekeeper to simplify calling.
To register the system with the gatekeeper:
1 Click System Config>Signaling Setting>Gatekeeper in the Web configuration
2 Set the following parameters in the gatekeeper page:
Parameter Description
Register to Gatekeeper
Indicates whether or not to register the system with the gatekeeper.
You must check this option to set the following parameters.
Primary (Alternate)
Indicates whether or not the device is registered to the primary (or
alternate) gatekeeper.
Gatekeeper IP Address Specifies the IP address for the primary (or alternate) gatekeeper.
Gatekeeper Port Specifies the port number for the primary (or alternate) gatekeeper.
System Prefix/E164. Sets the E.164 number for the system.
System H.323 Alias Sets the H.323 alias for the system.
3 Click Update and a dialog box will pop up, in which you should confirm to restart
the system to apply the setting.