
Participating in Meetings Chapter 3:
The meeting’s creator logs in to the portal, invites participants, enters the meeting as a
presenter, and assigns presenter privileges to participants. Presenters and participants view the
meetings through the portal interface screen, which opens in a web browser and plays the audio
and video streams for conference interaction.
The presenter and participant portal interfaces have similar options such as controlling of their
personal audio and video privacy, recording of the meeting, and participating in group chat. The
presenter, however, also has special icons that are unavailable to participants. These icons
enable presenters to assign presenter rights to participants, invite other participants while the
meeting is in session, and end the meeting.
The following sections of this chapter show you how to use the portal meeting interface in detail:
Joining a Meeting
Meeting Experience Options
Recording a Meeting
Retrieving a Recording of a Meeting
Assigning Presenter Rights