• ‘Register Server’ should be the IP or the URL of your Register
• ‘Domain name’ should be the registration domain of your sip
• ‘Username’ should be the user name of your account
• ‘Password’ should be the password linked to the user name of
your account
• ‘Outbound Proxy’ if you don’t use an outbound proxy, the field
should be empty.
For example for the following account info:
SIP Username and Auth Name: 15579
SIP Password: 02486
Proxy and Registar Server: sip.prova.com
Domain: domain.prova.com
The configuration shall be:
‘Register Server’ = sip.prova.com
‘Domain name’ = domain.prova.com
‘Username’ = 13579
‘Password’ = 02486
Retry the connection.
• Server no response
b Registration response exceeds timeout value, e.g. the network
can’t reach registration server.
w Workaround:
wait for some minutes, then retry the connection;
eventually check with the service provider the server status
• Authentication fail
b Registration refused by registrar server, e.g. password incorrect.
w Workaround:
check the SIP configuration parameters in ‘Menu’ >
‘WLAN’ > ‘SIP settings’ the following field:
• ‘Register Server’ should be the IP or the URL of your Register
• ‘Domain name’ should be the registration domain of your sip
• ‘Username’ should be the user name of your account
VoIPon Solutions www.voipon.co.uk sales@voipon.co.uk Tel: +44 (0) 1245 600560