
Other Functions (Continued)
3 Check the save location, assign a file name, then click “Save”.
The data is saved in a CSV format file (the file extension is “.csv”).
• In order to avoid malfunction, after the completion of the data transmission, unplug the RS-232C cable
connecting your PC and the receiver.
• You will still be able to receive the data saved in MCACC MEMORY (using the “Other Amp Parameters”
option) when receiver power has been switched off.
Opening measurement data files
You can open the saved CSV format file by using other application software (ex. spreadsheet software)
besides this application.
The following information related to Speaker Setting, Channel Level, Speaker Distance and Acoustic Cal
EQ will appear with the date the PC receives the data files.
• When using the “Acoustic Cal EQ” Auto Mode with the “Auto MCACC” setup, the results will only appear
for the EQ Type you selected (“All Ch Adjust” or “Front Ch Align”). Also, if you have used the Manual
MCACC “EQ Adjust” setup, the results for “Custom 1” will appear (even if you have manually adjusted
the results from the “Auto MCACC” setup). Note that results will not appear for “Custom 2”.
• Note that adjustments made for Standing Wave control will not appear.