
Computer Control
- 3
Refer to the instruction manual about ‘STOP ST’.
9-pin D-Sub connector
Pin # Terminal Input/Output Function
1 NC
2 RxD Input receive data
3 TxD Output send data
4 DTR Output data terminal ready
5 GND -- ground
6 NC
7 RTS Output
8 CTS Input
CTS is returned to RTS as
it is.
9 NC
2.3 Computer Control Functions
2.3.1 Serial Control (see Chapters 3, 4, 5 and 6)
The player and computer are based upon the RS-232C protocol and
are connected through the TxD, RxD, DTR and GND terminals.
2.3.2 Extend Terminal Control (see Chapter 9)
Control the player with the Extend Terminal Switches (SW#).
Even if the Key Lock is set (active), the extend terminal control is
2.3.3 External Power Control
Control the player’s power with the Power Pin within the Interface
If the player detects a high signal throughput (100m/sec or more)
during the Standby mode, the player powers ON. If the player
detects the same signal during the Power ON mode, the player
powers OFF and switches to the Standby mode.
The specifications for the Power pin are as follows:
Maximum Input Voltage Less Than 12V
High Level Signal More Than 3.3V
Low Level Signal Less Than 0.5V
Standby mode
more than
100 msec
Power ON