¶ As can be seen from the above, unless within one system ID numbers from the same group are assigned, the
wait times may overlap, defeating the purpose of this function. Be sure to assign ID numbers from within the
same group.
However, if the ID numbers are set carefully within a certain range in such a way that the wait times do not
overlap, this function can be used without problems even when ID numbers from different groups are as-
(For example, if ID numbers between 10 and 4F are assigned to units within the system, the wait times will
not overlap.)
¶ In addition to the wait time function, some time is required for the routine when the power is turned on
normally (approx. 1 msec), so the time until the power actually turns on is:
Wait time + Approx. 1 sec
* Direct computer commands for switching the function for turning the power on at different times using the
ID numbers on and off
This function can be enabled and disabled with the following direct commands (in the AJY mode) from the
external computer.
DPY (Delayed Power On Yes): Delayed power on function enabled
DPN (Delayed Power On No): Delayed power on function disabled
By default (initial settings), this function is enabled.
The on-screen display when this command is set is as shown below.
Fig. 2 On-screen display for delayed power on function status (on or off)
The set’s current status (whether or not the function is on or off) can be checked by sending the “GST” direct
command from an external computer. (For details, refer to page 130.)