(Contd. on the next page)
DJS Ver. 1.600
Other Functions Tables of Menus
Tables of Menus
Explanations of the menu bars and the menus that open when you right-click are provided here.
Names of Each Function & What they Do
The menus open if you click the headers [File], [Edit], [View], [Play] or [Help] at the top of the DJ Play,
Music Management, Ripping, Create, and Transfer function screens.
For information on how to operate the items, see the reference page in the right column of the table. The
key column in the table lists the short-cut keys that correspond to functions that can be executed when its
menu has been opened.
●[File] Menu
• [Import] can be used in the DJ Play, Music Management, and Transfer functions.
[Import] Submenu
[New] Submenu
Display Title *The letter in parentheses ( ) indicates a short-cut key for the corresponding menu.
File [File] Menu (Alt+F)
Edit [Edit] Menu (Alt+E)
View [View] Menu (Alt+V)
Play [Play] Menu (Alt+P)
Help [Help] Menu (Alt+H)
Display Action Key See
New Displays the submenu of [New]. N P. 12 3
Import Displays the submenu of [Import]. O P.82
Save Overwrites and saves changed play lists and genres. S –
Save As... Renames and saves changed play lists and genres. A –
Preference Displays the [Preference] screen. P P.95
SD Memory Card Displays the submenu of [SD Memory Card]. E P.12 4
DJ Play Moves to the DJ Play functions. D P. 15
Music Management Moves to the Music Management functions. M P.14
Internet Moves to the Internet functions. I P.14
Ripping Displays the submenu of [Ripping]. R P. 1 24
Create Moves to the Create functions. C P.15
Transfer Moves to the Transfer functions. T P.1 5
Exit Closes DJS. (Alt+F4 also works) X –
Display Action Key See
MP3 Audio File Registers MP3 files to a track list. A P.8 2
M3U Playlist Registers play list (M3U) files in a category list. P P.82
Display Action Key See
Make Playlist Creates a new play list. P P. 79
Make Genre Creates a new genre. G P. 110