DJS Ver. 1.601
Using the Support Site
Before contacting us about how to use DJS or with technical questions, please check the User’s Manual recorded on the DJS CD-ROM as well
as the FAQ on the DJS support site.
To connect to the DJS support site, click [File] on the DJS menu and then click [Internet].
When using the DJS support site, it is necessary to enter the login name and password you specified when you registered as a DJS user.
When using the DJS support site, please have the following details at hand when you contact us: customer’s name, product name,
installation key, model and specs of the computer (CPU, amount of memory, peripheral devices connected, etc.), version of the operating
system and a detailed description of the problem you are experiencing.
We are only able to provide support for DJS users who have completed user registration. Please take care of the login name and password
you specified during user registration in the same way as the installation key and registration ID so you do not forget them.
* For information about installation of DJS or how to complete user registration, please refer to the User’s Manual that is recorded on
If you experience difficulties in installing the software or completing user registration, please refer to our home page on the internet.
Information on Installation and User Registration
* If you have questions about your computer, peripheral devices or technical questions, such as about combinations with products
other than those we support, please check with the manufacturer of the device or contact the sales outlet.
There are DJS version updates scheduled in order to improve the performance and add functionality. By completing the user registration,
you not only gain access to our support site, but it also allows you to download the updater program. By all means update your version of
DJS with this updater program so you can always have the latest version to use.
Trial Period and User Registration
DJS has a trial period, which lasts for 60 days after installing the software. This trial period is the length of time you can user DJS without
registering as a user. Once this trial period expires, you will not be able to enjoy using DJS anymore, so be sure to complete user registration
within 60 days of installing the software.
Online user registration is available for our customers who are connected to the internet.
→ ‘2-1 User Registration’
If you do not have an internet connection, please fill out the required information on the oUser Registration Card and mail it in.
→ ‘Addressing the User Registration Card’
→ ‘User Registration Card’
Precautions about Filling in the User Registration card
•A login name and a password are required in order to make sure of your identity when using our customer support service.
•Please specify an 8 to 10 digit alphanumeric login name and password in the appropriate columns on the user registration card.
•Please affix the Installation Key Sticker for User Registration in the Software Installation Key box on the user registration card.
•Please enter the language you selected when you installed DJS in the Software Language box on the user registration card. The 8
languages are English, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Traditional Chinese and Japanese.
•You can check your Key Code on the DJS screen. → ‘Offline Registration (Key Code Display)’
•Transfer the 8 digit alphanumeric code shown on the screen into the Key Code column of the user registration card.
•Please print neatly so it is possible to distinguish between 1 and 7, 1 and the letter I and between 2 and the letter Z. Also, please enter
the number 0 (zero) with a diagonal line so it may be distinguished from the letter O.
After we receive your user registration card at our offices, we will send you a registration ID so you can release the trial period.
→ ‘Offline Registration (Entering the Registration ID)’