
Command Structure
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4.3 Command String
A command string consists of multiple commands on one line. The maximum length of a
command string is 32 characters. All command strings are terminated by the Carriage
Return <CR> code (0DH hex).
Example : FR2000SE 2300PL<CR>
NOTE: The Real Time Clock Set (WW) , Print Character (PR), Blackboard/Stack Data
Upload (BU), Blackboard/Stack Data Download (BD), Weekly Timer Data Upload
(WU), Weekly Timer Data Download (WD), Text File Data Upload (UU) commands
should be assigned individually.
Once the <CR> termination command is added to the string, the command string is
evaluated and executed from left to right in sequential order.
If an error occurs during the execution of a command string, the remainder of the string
following that command is not executed.
If a new command string is input before the execution of the current string is complete,
the current string is aborted and the remaining commands are cleared.
To cancel a currently executing string, send the termination command <CR> alone.
If a new command without Text File Data Upload (UU) is input while the execution of
the current command stack, the remaining of the current command stack are cleared.
4.4 Status Returns
The completion message used in the Automatic Status is "R".
Example: R<CR>
4.5 Error Message
An error message is indicated by the letter E and followed by a two-character error code.
Example: EN
The error message occurs when the given command cannot be processed.
4.6 Request Status Return
In response to a single request command, the status returns as a line of letters terminated
by <CR>.
If multiple request commands are sent to the player within the same command string, the