2. Exceptional Commands
• Model data commands
TBL : Displays the current model data table.
TBLhh : Displays the hh model data table.
M : Displays the current model number.
Mhh : Sets the hh model number.
Fhh : Sets the hh model number data to the initial value.
When the hh model data does not exist, “**NO DATA**” is displayed. When hh contains characters other
than 0 to 9, a to f, and A to F, “DATA ERROR” is set.
• Frequency commands
HFQ : Displays the current model determination H frequency.
HFQRES : Sets the current model determination H frequency to the initial value, and displays it.
HFQddd.ddd : Changes and displays the current model determination H frequency. (Take note of the
decimal point.)
VFQ : Displays the current model determination V frequency.
VFQRES : Sets the current model determination V frequency to the initial value, and displays it.
VFQddd.ddd : Changes and displays the current model determination V frequency. (Take note of the
decimal point.)
In the case of frequency commands, both the integer and decimal of ddd.ddd must be decimal 3 digit num-
bers. Numbers between 000.000 to 999.999 can be input.
When d is a character other than 09, when the number of digits is wrong, or the decimal point is at the wrong
place, “DATA ERROR” is set, and the current model determination frequency is displayed.
• Line conversion command
LCV : Displays the current model line conversion rate.
LCVRES : Sets the current model line conversion rate to the initial value, and displays it.
LCVdddd : Changes and displays the current model line conversion rate
In the case of line conversion commands, dddd must be a decimal 4 digit number, and the first two digits must
be 0015 and the last two must be above 00 and below the first two digits. If d is a character other than 09, or the
number of digits is wrong, “DATA ERROR” is set, and the current line number conversion rate is displayed.
Both 0000 and 0101 are not convertible.
• Line number command
VLN : Displays the current model determination line number.
VLNRES : Initializes and displays the current model determination line number.
VLNddd : Changes and displays the current model determination line number.
In the case of the line number command, ddd must be a decimal 3 digit number. Numbers between 000 and
999 can be input.
When d is a character other than 09, or when the number of digits is wrong, ‘’DATA ERROR” is set, and the
current line number is displayed.