I Location
Cleanin_ ! discs J
• The pres_'nce of fingerprints or smudges on the surface of the
disc will r at directly affect the recorded signals, but depending
on the d _gree of contamination, the brightness of the light
reflected from the signal surfaces may be reduced, causing
degradat/_ ,n of sound quality. Always keep your discs clean by
wiping th ,m gently with a soft cloth from the inner edge toward
the outer )eriphery.
• if a disc bffcomes very dirty, dip a soft cloth in water, end after
wringing itlout well, wipe the dirt away gently, and then remove
any water _lrops with another soft, dry cloth,
m Do not use_record cleaning sprays or anti-statlc agents on discs•
Also, neve I clean discs with benzene, thinner, or other volatile
solvents, slnce damage to the disc surface may result.
• (Storing without using the 6-disc magazine)
• Discaarem_deofthesamekindsofplasticusedforconventionai
analog audilo records. 8e careful not to allow discs to warp;
always starve discs in their cases vertically, avoiding locations
with high Neat or humidly, or extremely low temperatures•
Avoid leavir_g discs in cars, since the seat of a car in direct
J sunlight can'Ibecome unbelievably hot,
• Always roed and abide by the precautionary notes listed on disc
Install the player in a well ventilated location where it
will not be exposed to high temperature or humidity.
Do not install the player in a location which is exposed to direct
rays of the sun, or near stoves or radiators. Excessive heat can
adversely affect the cabinet end internal components. Also.
installation of the player in a damp or dusty environment may
result in malfunction or accident• (Alsoavoid installation near cookers
etc.. where the player may be exposed to smoke from oil, steam
or heat.)
.,,Precautions regarding installation
s Placing and using the compact disc player for long periods on
heat-generating sources such as amplifiers will affect
performance. Avoid placing the player on heat-generating
• Install this compact disc player as far as possible from tuners
and TV sets. A compact disc player installed in close proximity
to such equipment, may cause noise or degradation of the
• Such noise may be particularly noticeable when an indoor
antenna is used. In such a case, make use of an outdoor antenna,
or turn off power to the compact disc player.
• Please place this unit on a level surface•
l Condensation
When this unit is brought into a warm room from previously cold
surroundings or when the room temperature rises sharply,
condensation may form inside, and the unit may not be able to
attain its full performance. In cases like this, allow the unit to stand
for about an hour or raise the room temperature gradually.
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7. '
( CO lens cleaner l
The player's pi?kup [ens should not become dirty in normal use,
but is for some reason it should malfunction due to soiling, ask
your nearest PIONEER authorized service center, Lens cleaners
for CD players are commercially available, but special care should
be exercised in their use since some may cause damage to the
( Cleaning tl_e player and the magazine !
To clean the PLAYER and the MAGAZINE wipe with a soft, dry
cloth. For stubl_om dirt, wet a soft cloth with a mild detergent
solution, wnng well, then wipe off the dirt. Also use a dry cloth to
wipe "_hesurfac_ dry, Do not use volatile liquidssuch as benzene
and thinner which are harmful to the unit.
<PRB! 142>