Incorrect operations are often mistaken for trouble and malfunctions. If you think that there is something wrong with this component, check
the points below. Sometimes the trouble may lie in another component. Investigate the other components and electrical appliances being
If the trouble cannot be rectified even after exercising the checks listed below, ask your nearest PI(ONEER authorized service center or your
dealer to carry out repair work.
Magazine is not expelled when •
EJECT button is pressed.
When playback is started, it stops •
immediately. Pauses or stops
during playback. •
No sound
Sound is distorted, noise is output.
With certain discs, loud noise is
produced, or play stops.
The picture of the TV screen is
fluctuated or FM broadcast is
interfered with noise,
Remote control will not function.
(PD-M 550/PD-455/PD*M453 only)
Probable cause
Power plug is disconnected from outlet,
Disc is loaded upside down.
Smudged on the disc, etc.
Output cords are connected incorrectly or
Incorrect operation of stereo amplifier.
Pin plugs and/or amplifier terminals are dirty.
Player is in pause mode,
Incorrect conne_ions.
Pin plugs and/or amplifier terminals are dirty:
Interference is being picked up from a *IV set.
• Disc has bad scratch or warp.
• Disc is extremely dirty.
• Interference is being picked up from the CD
• Dead batteries.
• Too far from player or wrong angle.
• Obstruction between player and remote control
Connect plug to amp(ifier or wall outlet.
• Load the disc correctly with the label side
• Clean the smudges from the disc and then
play it again,
I Connect properly.
• Check the settings of amplifier switches and
sound volume controls.
• Clean away dirt.
m Pressthe im-button.
D Connect to amplifier's AUX or CD terminals.
Do not connect to PHONO terminals.
e Clean,way dirt.
m Switch OFF TV set, or move player away from
TV set.
im ReplaCe the disc.
a Clean idiso.
e Turn &ff POWER of the player, or move the
player away from TV or tuner,
e Replace batteries.
e The distance between remote control unit and
player should be no more than about 7 meters.
The operational angle against the front panel
is within 30" from right or left end of player.
a Relocate remote control unit or remove