Adjusting loudness
Loudness compensates for deficiencies in the
low- and high-sound ranges at low volume.
1 Press AUDIO to select LOUD.
Press AUDIO until LOUD appears in the dis-
2 Press a to turn loudness on.
LOUD:ON appears in the display.
3 Press b to turn loudness off.
LOUD:OFF appears in the display.
You can alsoturn loudness on or off bypressing
Using subwoofer output
This unit is equipped with a subwoofer output
which can be turned on or off. When a sub-
woofer is controlled with this unit, first, switch
the RCA output setting to subwoofer, then
turn the subwoofer output on. For more de-
tails, see Switching the RCA output setting on
page 37.
1 Press AUDIO to select SUB.W.
Press AUDIO until SUB.W appears in the dis-
# When the RCA outputsetting is RCA:S/W,
you can select SUB.W.
2 Press a to turn subwoofer output on.
SUB.W:ON appears in the display. Subwoofer
output is now on.
# Toturn subwoofer output off, pressb.
3 Press c or d to select the phase of sub-
woofer output.
Press c to select reverse phase and
PHASE:REV is displayed. Press d to select
normal phase and PHASE:NOR is displayed.
Adjusting subwoofer (low pass
filter) settings
When the subwoofer output is on, you can ad-
just the cut-off frequency and the output level
of the subwoofer.
1 Press AUDIO to select 80Hz.
Press AUDIO until 80Hz appears in the dis-
# When the subwooferoutput is on, you canse-
lect 80Hz.
# If the subwoofer settinghas been previously
adjusted, the frequencyof that previously se-
lected will be displayedinstead of 80Hz.
2 Press c or d to select cut-off frequency.
Each press of c or d selects cut-off frequen-
cies in the following order:
506380100125 (Hz)
Only frequencies lower than those in the se-
lected range are output from the subwoofer.
3 Press a or b to adjust the output level
of the subwoofer.
Each press of a or b increases or decreases
the level of the subwoofer. +6 24 is dis-
played as the level is increased or decreased.
Adjusting low pass filter
attenuation slope
When the subwoofer output is on, you can ad-
just the continuity of sound between speaker
Audio Adjustments