10Barcode Stack / Command Stack
Chapter 10
Barcode Stack / Command Stack
Barcode / Command
Stack Function
The following operations can be performed
within a Barcode Stack / Command Stack
• Pre-recording of barcode commands in
player (barcode stack function).
• Remote control used to set commands
when barcodes are not available or when
desired commands are not available in
barcodes (command stack function).
• Remote control can be used to call up
recorded contents for continuous or step-by-
step performance.
Barcode stack and command stack
functions cannot be used with video CDs or
music CDs.
• The player allows a maximum of 300 step.
• The recorded data is preserved even if the
power is disconnected.
Basic Operation
Basic use of barcode stack/command stack
functions are as follows:
For detailed explanations of each item, refer to
the page indicated after the arrow ():
1 Use the remote control to select the
barcode stack/command stack setting
Page 50
2 Use a barcode reader to read barcodes
and transfer the data to the player
Page 51
Use the remote control to read/transfer
Pages 50 – 56
3 Perform repetitive input as from step 2
(Using a barcode reader to read barcodes and
transfer data to the player)
4 Retain data in player memory after input
Page 57
5 Command execution
Page 62