
Museum Technology Source, Inc.
DVD Controller model DVD-204
Player: Pioneer DVD-V7200/7400
Firmware version 1.22
(C)2000 Museum Technology Source Inc.
For further information contact:
Museum Technology Source Inc.
323 Andover Street
Wilmington, MA 01887
Phone: (800)729-6873 or (978)657-7132
Fax: (978) 657-7132
Email: info@museumtechnology.com
———- Main Menu ———-
A = select address mode (FRAME, CHAPTER, or
CHAPTER start/FRAME end)
B = view or edit a Button’s selection
I = view or edit the Idle selection
T = Test the buttons and lamps
O = go to Options menu
Please choose a command: A
Current addressing mode is: CHAPTER.
Would you like to change this (Y/N)? Yes
S = CHAPTER start, FRAME end
Please choose a command: F
— Resetting Defaults —
*** Programming: done ***
Current addressing mode is: FRAME.
———- Main Menu ———-
A = select address mode (FRAME, CHAPTER, or
CHAPTER start/FRAME end)
B = view or edit a Button’s selection
I = view or edit the Idle selection
T = Test the buttons and lamps
O = go to Options menu
Please choose a command: B
Which button’s selection do you want to
view or edit?
Button 1 plays from frame 1000 to frame 1100.
Do you want to change this (Y/N)? Yes
Enter the start FRAME for the button
and press RETURN: 12
Enter the end FRAME for the button
and press RETURN: 600
*** Programming: done ***
Programming Example
DVD-204 / DVD-212
Pressing the red “Program” button on the back
of the DVD-204 / DVD-212 will cause this
main menu to appear
Units are shipped set to work with Chapters. In
this instance, we wish to use Frame Numbers,
hence typing A will allow us to select Frame mode by typing
F. In general Frame mode offers the most versatility. In the
following examples frame numbers will be used. If the disc
has been prepared with Chapters, they may also be used.
Chapter Start / Frame end is primarily used with the older
Pioneer 7200 players, which were much slower seeking
frames than chapters. The Pioneer 7400 model overcame
this issue.
Selecting Chapter
, Frame, or
Chapter Start/Frame End
Having already determined by Start and Stop frame num-
bers for each selection, it is a simple matter to enter them.
Type B for the Button Menu, then type the number of the
Button you wish to program.
Enter the Start frame number and press enter on the key-
board. Then type the Stop frame and press Enter again.
The new frame numbers are displayed.
In this example frame 12 is entered as the new Start frame,
while from 600 is the new stop frame.
Programming the Buttons