Press the ESC key
Press the ESC key
Press the ESC key
Press the ESC key
Close the rear access door
Initialization complete
As the remaining steps which must be performed may differ
depending on the changer control software being used, please
consult the manual for the changer control software being
used for further instructions.
Also note that it may be necessary to restart the host
computer before it can recognize the drives which have been
Drives may be exchanged following the same procedure as
that describing above for adding new drives.
Described below is the procedure to be following when
exchanging drives, and it also eliminates the worry of making
mistakes in the drive bay number which is to be exchanging.
Unless there is some special reason, the SCSI ID and
termination switch settings of the drive to be installed to
replace should be the same as those of the drive to be
How to exchange a drive
1. Enter system administrator mode and enter door
submode to open the rear access door.
The following message will be displayed on the LCD
message window.
2. Enter system administrator mode again and enter
config submode to select the rear bay.
Press the ENT key
Select “Rear” and press the ENT key
3. Use the » or « key to select the bay in which the drive
to be replaced is currently inserted.
Note that the messages actually displayed may lack some
of the following information if the drive being replaced has
been out of order.