
DRM-7000 Operating Instructions
Daisy-chain six internal readers and a
recorder then connect the Changer –
requires a cable for four drives
Connect two readers and two recorders
then connect the Changer – requires
three separate SCSI controller cards
4.6 Inserting Disc Magazines
Please review the insertion methods listed below.
Insert discs into a standard 50-disc magazine then insert the magazine into the
Insert discs into a standard 20-disc hyper-magazine then insert the magazine into the
Use the control panel to specify which slot will receive a disc then select the specified
disc number from the mail slot (refer to page 32 for mail slot details). Verify that the
Changer is ready for operation and that there is an empty slot within a magazine.
Issue a command from the host computer to accept a disc from the mail slot (refer to
page 32 for mail slot details). Verify that the Changer is ready for operation and that
there is an empty slot within a magazine. Also check that your Changer controller
software supports this activity.
Issue a command from the host computer to accept a hyper-magazine with discs.
Verify that the Changer is ready for operation and that the bay is empty before inserting
the magazine. Also check that your Changer controller software supports this activity.
Note: Hyper-magazines may not be removed from or added to the Changer while the unit is
turned OFF.
4.6.1 Inserting Discs Using a 50-Disc Magazine
Follow the directions below to insert discs in to a magazine then add the magazine to
the Changer.
1. Turn the magazine’s release knob (vertical position) to unlock the slots.
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