Black plate (16,1)
2 Turn M.C. to change the menu option
and press to select MIXTRAX.
3 Turn M.C. to select the MIXTRAX func-
Once selected, the following MIXTRAX functions
can be adjusted. The function is enabledwhen
MIXTRAX is on.
available forDEH-X4600BT.
! MIX PATTERN isnot available forDEH-
X6600BS, DEH-X6600BT,DEH-X66BTand
You can selectthe length of theplayback time.
1 Press M.C. todisplay the settingmode.
2 TurnM.C. to selectthe desired setting.
1.0MIN (1.0minute)—1.5MIN (1.5minutes)—
2.0MIN (2.0minutes)—2.5MIN (2.5minutes)
—3.0MIN (3.0minutes)—OFF (off)
FLASH AREA(flash area)
You can selectareas for flashing colors.
1 Press M.C. todisplay the settingmode.
2 TurnM.C. to selectthe desired setting.
KEY/DISPLAY (keyand display)—KEY (key)—
OFF (off)
! When OFFis selected, thecolor set underIL-
LUMI isused as the displaycolor.
FLASH PATTERN (flashpattern)
The flashingcolor and MIXTRAX specialeffects
display changewith changes in thesound and
bass levels.
1 Press M.C. todisplay the settingmode.
2 TurnM.C. to selectthe desired setting.
flash patternchanges according tothe
sound level.Select a desiredmode.
! LOW PASS1 to LOW PASS6 – Theflash
pattern changesaccording to thebass
level. Selecta desired mode.
! RANDOM 1– The flash patternchanges
randomly accordingto the soundlevel
mode andlow pass mode.
! RANDOM 2– The flash patternchanges
randomly accordingto the soundlevel
! RANDOM 3– The flash patternchanges
randomly accordingto the lowpass mode.
MIX PATTERN (mixpattern)
The MIXTRAXspecial effects displaychanges with
changes inthe audio level.
1 Press M.C. todisplay the settingmode.
2 TurnM.C. to selectthe desired setting.
! SOUND LEVEL– The mixpattern changes
according tothe sound level.
! LOW PASS– The mix patternchanges ac-
cording tothe bass level.
! RANDOM –The mix patternchanges ran-
domly accordingto the soundlevel mode
and lowpass mode.
DISPLAY FX/DISPFX (display effect)
The MIXTRAXspecial effects displaycan be turned
on oroff.
1 Press M.C. toselect the desiredsetting.
ON (MIXTRAXspecial effects display)—OFF
(normal display)
CUT INFX (manual cut-ineffect)
You can turnon or off theMIXTRAX sound effects
while manuallychanging tracks.
1 Press M.C. toselect the desiredsetting.
ON (on)—OFF(off)
Initial menu
1 Press and hold SRC/OFF untilthe unit
turns off.
2 Press M.C. to display the mainmenu.
3 Turn M.C. to change the menu option
and press to select INITIAL.
4 Turn M.C. to select the initial menu func-
Once selected, the following initial menu func-
tions can be adjusted.
! REAR-SP isnot available forDEH-X6600BT,
DEH-X66BT,DEH-X4600BTand DEH-X3600S.
! SP-P/O MODEis not availablefor DEH-
! S/W UPDATEis not available forDEH-
! SXM RESETis not availablefor DEH-
X6600BT,DEH-X66BTand DEH-X4600BT.
REAR-SP (rearoutput setting)
The rearspeaker leads outputand the RCA output
of this unitcan be usedto connect afull-range
speaker orsubwoofer. Select asuitable option for
your connection.
1 Press M.C. todisplay the settingmode.
2 TurnM.C. to selectthe desired setting.
! FUL –Select when thereis a full-range
speaker connectedto the rearspeaker
leads output.
! SW –Select when thereis a subwoofer
connected directlyto the rearspeaker
leads outputwithout any auxiliary amp.
SP-P/O MODE(rear output and preoutsetting)
The rearspeaker leads outputand the RCA output
of this unitcan be usedto connect afull-range
speaker orsubwoofer. Select asuitable option for
your connection.
1 Press M.C. todisplay the settingmode.
2 TurnM.C. to selectthe desired setting.
! REAR/SUB.W –Select when thereis a full-
range speakerconnected to therear speak-
er leadsoutput and thereis a subwoofer
connected tothe RCA output.
! SUB.W/SUB.W –Select when thereis a
subwoofer connecteddirectly to therear
speaker leadsoutput without anyauxiliary
amp andthere is a subwooferconnected
to theRCA output.
! REAR/REAR –Select when thereis a full-
range speakerconnected to therear speak-
er leadsoutput and the RCAoutput.
If there isa full-range speakerconnected to
the rearspeaker leads outputand the RCA
output isnot used, you mayselect either
S/W UPDATE(updating the software)
Using this unit
Using this unit