the built-in DVD player to play a DVD-Video or CD
when using the NAVI Source, the operation but-
tons are displayed on the screen and a few lim-
ited operations can be performed.
q Switching the source
w During DVD playback : Forwarding/
rewinding the chapter.
During CD playback : Forwarding/rewind-
ing the track.
e For future use.
r Canceling the operation buttons.
Cautions when connecting a
Rear Display to the Front Dis-
The map screen navigation images output to the
rear display differ from standard NTSC format
images. Therefore, their quality will be inferior to
the images that appear on the front display.
➲ Switching the rear display ➞ the manual for
the display you are combining.
Positioning Technology
The Navigation System accurately measures your
current location by combining the positioning by
GPS and by Dead Reckoning.
Positioning by GPS
The Global Positioning System (GPS) uses a net-
work of satellites orbiting the Earth. Each of the
satellites, which orbit at a height of 68,900,000
feet (21,000 km), continually broadcasts radio
signals giving time and position information. This
ensures that signals from at least three can be
picked up from any open area on the earth’s sur-
The accuracy of the GPS information depends on
how good the reception is. When the signals are
strong and reception is good, GPS can determine
latitude, longitude, and altitude for accurate posi-
tioning in three dimensions. But if signal quality
is poor, only two dimensions, latitude and longi-
tude, can be obtained and positioning errors are
somewhat greater.
Positioning by dead reckoning
The 3D Hybrid Sensor in the main unit also calcu-
lates your position. The current location is mea-
sured by detecting driving distance with the
speed pulse, the turning direction with the
Gyrosensor, and inclination of the road with the G
The 3D Hybrid Sensor can even calculate
changes of altitude, and corrects for discrepan-
cies in the distance traveled caused by driving
along winding roads or up slopes. Also, the Navi-
gation System learns the driving conditions and
stores information in the memory; thus, as you
drive more, the precision of the positioning
becomes more accurate.
The method of positioning changes as follows
depending on whether the speed pulse of your
vehicle is detected or not:
3D hybrid mode
This is active when the speed pulse is detected.
Inclination of a road can be detected.
(e.g. When AVH-P5700DVD is connected)