Function: Characters are written into the User’s Display Area.
Format: Integer P R <C/R>
Character string <C/R>
Explanation: The character string for one line in the User Display Area is written
with this command. It is effective when the user’s display
specification of Register A is set to ON (4RA).
First, specify the line number using an integer. (Lines 0-9 are
selectable on the CLD-V5000.) After the command character PR is
entered, it is terminated with the <C/R> code. In the next
command line, specify the character string. A character string up
to 20 characters is allowed. Any commands subsequent to the
command character (PR <CR>), but prior to the character string’s
<C/R>, are interpreted as characters to be printed to the User
Display Area.
Usable characters are shown in the Character Code Table below.
Execution: 4 R A 1 D S <C/R> R <C/R>
4 P R <C/R> R <C/R>
<C/R> R <C/R>
5 P R <C/R> R <C/R>
6 P R <C/R> R <C/R>
<C/R> R <C/R>
Chapter Three • CLD-V5000 Level III
3-30 TP 121 v. 1.0 • 1/96 CLD-V5000 Level III User’s Manual
7E” = No Background. The character “7F” is not available.
Figure 3-O