You can play a normal music CD using the
built-in drive of the navigation system. This
section describes how.
Starting procedure
1 Display the AVoperation screen.
= For detailsof theoperations, refer to Dis-
playing the AVoperation screen on page 74.
2 Insert the disc you want to play into
disc-loading slot.
Playback starts from the first track of the CD.
= For details,refer to Inserting andejecting a
disc on page 17.
p If the disc is alreadyset, tap [Disc] onthe
left edge of thescreen.
= For details,refer to Selecting a sourceon
page 74.
3 Use the touch panel keys on the screen
to control the disc.
= For details,refer to Using the touchpanel
keys on the next page.
Reading the screen
1 Source icon
Shows which source has been selected.
2 Playback condition indicator
Indicates the current playback condition.
Scanning tracks of a CD
Indicator Meaning
Cancels thescan play.
Plays thebeginning of each
track inthe current repeat play
range for about10 seconds.
Playing tracks in random order
Indicator Meaning
Does notplay tracks in random
Plays alltracks in the current
disc inrandom order.
Setting a repeat play range
Indicator Meaning
Repeats thecurrent disc.
Repeats justthe current track.
3 Current track information
! : Artist name
Shows the artist name of the track cur-
rently playing (when available).
: Album title
Shows the title of the album of the cur-
rent track (when available).
: Track title
Shows the title of the track currently
playing (when available).
! Play time
Shows the elapsed playing time within
the current track.
p “-------” is displayed if there is no corre-
sponding information.
4 Current time
5 Track information
! Track number indicator
Shows the track number and the total
number of tracks in the current repeat
! Track title indicator
Playing audio CDs
Playing audio CDs