4 To set the time difference, touch [+] or
The time difference between the time origin-
ally set in the navigation system (Pacific Stan-
dard Time) and the current location of your
vehicle is shown. If necessary, adjust the time
difference. Touching [+]or[–] changes the
time difference display in half-hour incre-
The time difference can be set from “–4” to
“+9” hours.
5 Touch [Summer Time].
Summer time setting is off by default. Touch
[Summer Time ] to change the setting if you
are in the summer time period.
6 Touch [Time format].
Each time you touch the key changes the set-
! 12H (default):
Changes the display to 12-hour format with
! 24H:
Changes the display to 24-hour format.
Changing the unit between km and miles
This setting controls the unit of distance and
speed displayed on your navigation system.
1 Display the “System Settings” screen.
= For details,refer toDisplaying the screen for
system settings on page 162.
2 Touch [Regional Settings].
The “Regional Settings” screen appears.
3 Touch [km / mile].
A message confirming whether to change the
setting appears.
4 Touch [Yes].
Each time you touch the key changes the set-
! mile (default):
Shows distance in miles.
! Mile&Yard:
Shows distance in miles and yards.
! km:
Shows distance in kilometers.
# If you touch [No], the setting is canceled.
Changing the virtual speed of the vehicle
When calculating the expected time of arrival
and the travel time to the destination, set the
average speed for the freeway or ordinary
roads using [+] and [–].
1 Display the “System Settings” screen.
= For details,refer toDisplaying the screen for
system settings on page 162.
2 Touch [Regional Settings].
The “Regional Settings” screen appears.
3 Touch [Average Speed].
The “Average Speed Settings” screen ap-
4 Touch [+] or [–] to set the speed.
p The estimated time of arrival may not be
taken into account other parameters than
this speed value.
5 Touch [OK].
The settings are complete.
Customizing preferences