Calculate a route with the shortest travel time to
your destination as a priority.
Condition 2: whether to use freeway or not
Avoid Freeway:
Calculate a route that avoids freeways. (A route
using the freeway may be set if your destination is
far away.)
• The system assumes that the driver deviated
either intentionally or inadvertently from the
route and searches for another route (intelli-
gent rerouting). Depending on the situation,
the system may search for a new route that
does not return to the original one.
• The calculated route is one example of the
route to your destination decided by the navi-
gation system while taking the type of streets
or traffic regulations into account. It is not nec-
essarily an optimum route. (In some cases, you
may not be able to set the streets you want to
pass. If you want to pass a certain street, set
the way point on that street.)
• The route set by your navigation system is
based on the assumption that the driver does
not know the area. Thus, streets known to local
drivers, such as small streets or special roads,
may not be used for the set route.
• Some route options may become the same
route. If way points are set, only one route is
• Route setting is limited to the range of the disc
in use.
• The destination is too far, there may be
instances where the route cannot be set. (If
you want to set a long-distance route going
across several areas, set way points along the
• During voice guidance, turns and intersections
from the freeway are announced. However,
some intersections, turns, and other guide
points may not be announced if they are
passed in rapid succession.
• It is possible that guidance may direct you off a
freeway and then back on again.
• In some cases, the set route may require you to
travel in the opposite direction of your current
heading. In such cases, you are instructed to
turn around; please do so safely and in accor-
dance with local traffic rules.
• In some cases, guidance may direct you past
your destination and then indicate a U-turn to
get back to it.
• In some cases, a route may begin on the oppo-
site side of a railway or river from your actual
current location. If this happens, drive towards
your destination for a while, and try route cal-
culation again.
• In the following cases, a route that passes
through an Area to Avoid may be set:
- when your vehicle is in the Area to Avoid
- when your destination or way points are in
the Area to Avoid
- when it is not possible to avoid doing so
• If a suitable route cannot be set in compliance
with the specified detour distance, or your pref-
erence to avoid freeways, toll roads or ferry
routes, the setting or parameter may be
• When there is a traffic congestion or closure
ahead, if driving through the traffic congestion
or closure is better than taking the detour, a
detour route may not be set.
• There may be instances when the starting
point and the destination point are not on the
highlighted route.
• The number of traffic circle exits displayed on
the screen may differ from the actual number
of roads.
• If the intersection is approached in a gentle
curve, the map displayed may differ from the
actual road layout.
Auto Reroute
• Auto Reroute is used when you deviate more
than 0.01 mile (30m) from the route.
• The Auto Reroute function does not work in the
following cases:
- when your vehicle is not on a street
- when you are very close to your destination
- when your vehicle is on a ferry
- when driving on a road inside a facility
- when driving on a traffic circle
- when your vehicle is out of Memory area
- when the vehicle goes out of the area stored
in the disc during DVD navigation mode
- when the vehicle goes out of the memorized
area during memory navi mode
- when driving on routes described in “Roads
not used in calculations”