Nothing isdisplayed andthe
touch panelkeys cannotbe
The setting for therear view camera
is incorrect.
Select theappropriate settingfor the rear
view camera.
The shift leverwas placed in [R]
when therear viewcamera was not
PressMAP button, andthen press MENU
button toreturn to the“TopMenu ” and then
select thecorrect polarity setting for [Back
Camera]. (Page136)
There isno response when the
touch panelkey are touched or
a differentkey responds.
The touchpanel keys deviate from
the actualpositions that respond to
your touchfor some reason.
Perform thetouch panel calibration. (Page
Problems in the AV screen
Symptom Cause Action (See)
CD orDVD playback isnot pos-
The discis inserted upsidedown. Insert thedisc withthe label upward.
The discis dirty. Clean disc.
The discis cracked orotherwise da-
Insert anormal, round disc.
The fileson the discare an irregular
file format.
Check the fileformat.
The discformat cannot be played
Replace disc.
The loadeddisc is atype this system
cannot play.
Check whattype of disc it is.(For morecau-
tions about handlingeach type of media,
refer toPage169.)
The screenis covered withthe
caution message andthe video
cannot beshown.
The parkingbrake lead is notcon-
nected orapplied.
Connect the parkingbrake lead correctly,and
apply theparking brake.
The parkingbrake interlock is acti-
Park your vehiclein a safeplace and apply
the parkingbrake.or details, refer to“Impor-
tant Information for theuser”.
No videooutput from connected
No videooutput from connected
[AV1 Input]or[AV2 Input] setting
is incorrect.
Please read the followingpage and establish
the settingcorrectly. (Page 120)
The connectionof the USB interface
cable foriPod isincorrect.
Connect both USBplug and RCAcable side.
(If onlyeither connection has made,iPodwill
not worksproperly.)or details,refer to “Impor-
tant Information for theuser”.
The audioor videoskips. The navigation systemis not firmly
Secure thenavigation systemfirmly.
No sounds areproduced.
The volumelevel will not rise.
Cables are notconnected correctly. Connectthe cables correctly.
The systemis performing still,slow
motion, or frame-by-frameplayback
with DVD-Video.
There isno sound during still,slow motion,or
frame-by-frame playback with DVD-Video.
The systemis paused orperforming,
fast reverseor forwardduring the
disc playback.
Forthe media otherthan music CD(CD-DA),
there isno sound onfast reverse or forward.
The icon9 is displayed, andop-
eration isnot possible.
The operationis not compatible
with thevideo configuration.
This operation isnot possible. (Forexample,
the DVDplaying does notfeature that angle,
audio system, subtitle language,etc.)
The picturestops (pauses) and
the navigationsystem cannot be
The readingof data is impossible
during discplayback.
After touching gonce, start playbackonce