Black plate (105,1)
Error messages
When you contact your dealer or your nearest Pioneer Service Center, be sure to record the error
Message Cause Action (See)
ERROR-02 Dirtydisc Clean disc.
Scratched disc Replace disc.
The discis loadedupside down Checkthat thedisc isloaded correctly.
ERROR-05 Electricalormechanical PressRESET.
ERROR-A0 Electrical ormechanical Consult your dealer or your nearestauthor-
ized Pioneer Service Station.
DIFFERENT REGIONDISC The discdoes nothave thesame re-
gion numberas thisunit
Replace theDVD videowith onebearing the
correct regionnumber.
NON PLAYABLE DISC This typeof disccannot beplayed
by thisunit
Replace thedisc withone thisunit canplay.
The temperatureof thisunit isout-
side thenormal operatingrange
Wait untilthe unit’stemperature returns to
within normaloperating limits.
PROTECT All thefiles onthe inserteddisc are
secured bydigital rightsmanage-
ment (DRM)
Replace disc.
TRACK SKIPPED Theinserted disccontains WMA
files thatare protectedby digital
rights management(DRM)
Replace disc.
Understanding auto TA and EQ error messages
When correct measurement of car interior acoustic characteristics is not possible using the auto
TA and EQ, an error message may appear on the display. If an error message appears, refer to the
table below to see what the problem is and the suggested method of correcting the problem. After
checking, try again.
Message Cause Action
Errorcheck MIC Microphone isnot connected. Plugthesupplied microphonesecurely into
the jack.
Errorcheck frontSP, Error
check FLSP,Error checkFR SP,
Errorcheck center SP, Error
check RLSP,Error checkRR SP,
Errorcheck subwoofer
The microphonecannot pickup the
measuring toneof aspeaker.
! Confirmthat thespeakers areconnected
! Correctthe inputlevel settingof the power
amp connectedto thespeakers.
! Setthe microphone correctly.
Additional Information
Additional Information