USB audio player/USB memory
Message Cause Action
NO AUDIO No songs Transferthe audio filesto theUSB portable
audio player/USBmemory and connect.
USB memory withsecurity enabled
is connected
Followthe USBmemory instructions todis-
able thesecurity.
NO DEVICE The USBstorage device isnot con-
nected tothe USB portof this unit.
Connect acompatible USB storagedevice.
SKIPPED The connectedUSB portable audio
player/USB memory contains WMA
files thatare protected byWindows
Media™ DRM9/10
Play anaudio filenot protectedby Windows
Media DRM9/10.
PROTECT All thefiles on theconnected USB
portable audioplayer/USB memory
are protectedby Windows Media
DRM 9/10
Transferaudio files notprotected by Windows
Media DRM9/10 tothe USB portableaudio
player/USB memory and connect.
N/A USB The USBdevice connected tois not
supported bythis unit.
Connect aUSB portable audioplayer or USB
memor y that isUSB Mass StorageClass
CHECK USB TheUSB connectoror USB cableis
Confirm thatthe USB connectoror USB
cable isnot caught insomething or da-
The connectedUSB portable audio
player/USB memory consumes
more than500 mA(maximum allow-
able current).
Disconnect theUSB portable audioplayer/
USB memory anddo not useit. Turnthe igni-
tion switchto OFF, thento ACC orON and
then connectthe compliant USBportable
audio player/USBmemory.
ERROR-19 Communication failure Perform oneof the followingoperations.
–Turnthe ignition switchOFFand back ON.
–Disconnect theUSB portable audioplayer/
USB memory.
–Change toa different source.
Then, returnto theUSB portable audio
player/USB memory.
ERROR-23 USBdeviceis not formattedwith
FAT16or FAT32
USB deviceshould be formattedwith FAT16
or FAT32.
Message Cause Action
ERROR-11 Communication failure Disconnect thecable from iPod. OnceiPod
main menuis displayed, connectthe cable
Resetthe iPod.
ERROR-21 Oldversionof iPod Update theiPodversion.
ERROR-30 iPod failure Resetthe iPod.
STOP No songsin the currentlist Selecta listthat contains thesongs.
No songs Transfer the songsto iPod.
Additional Information