
The electronic phone book contains 4 separate lists :
• Private names list (ADN)
Access to a private list is identical to a classical
phone book. You can prevent its access using the
menu 65, Public Names list and then Name res-
If FDN is present and Public & Private option is
set, to enter the private names list press Names
then OK or long press on Names.
• Public names list (FDN)
When the option Public Only is set in the menu 65
(Public Names list / Name restriction) the phone
book is a public name list. Its access can't be pro-
tected.You can use it as a short list to restrict out-
going calls.
Access to the previous is done by pressing soft
key Names in the idle mode.The maximum num-
ber of entries to FDN and ADN phonebooks
depends on your SIM card.
If FDN is present and Public Only option is set
you can only access public names list.
Alphabetical search and position search work
only in the private list. If wildcard characters "?"
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