2000 Sep 06 4
Philips Semiconductors
Magnetoresistive sensors for
magnetic field measurement
In this basic form, the MR effect can be used effectively for
angular measurement and some rotational speed
measurements, which do not require linearization of the
sensor characteristic.
In the KMZ series of sensors, four permalloy strips are
arranged in a meander fashion on the silicon (Fig.4 shows
one example, of the pattern on a KMZ10). They are
connected in a Wheatstone bridge configuration, which
has a number of advantages:
• Reduction of temperature drift
• Doubling of the signal output
• The sensor can be aligned at the factory.
Fig.3 The resistance of the permalloy as a
function of the external field.
handbook, halfpage
Fig.4 KMZ10 chip structure.
handbook, full pagewidth