
5.1Guide to System4 Model Functions
The following information pertains to System4 multiplexer models only. These advanced programming and
operating functions, which are accessed through the Advanced Setup menu, include: CAMERA SEQUENCES, PC
System4 multiplexer models also support System Keyboards. Instructions for connecting keyboards and operating
the system with keyboards are also provided in this Section.
5.2Camera Sequences
The System4 models allow sequential display of cameras on the monitor in any available format. In the Full screen
display mode, all cameras can be sequenced. In Quad mode there are 8 individual quad displays that can be
programmed. Cameras can be repeated in sequencing displays to enable important scenes to be viewed at greater
Sequences can be set for monitor A and monitor B.
FULL screen display can be set for normal viewing or sequencing with programmable dwell time from 1 to 60
seconds. The camera pictures can be sequenced in any order in 32 sequence steps, for example 1, 5, 8, 4, 1, 2, 3,
1, 6, 8, 1. In this sequence camera 1 is viewed every fourth time of the sequence.
QUAD screen display can be set for normal viewing or sequencing with programmable dwell time from 1 to 60
seconds. Note that each quadrant can be programmed to show any individual camera(s). And, the camera(s)
(programmed for each quad) can be sequenced in any order. For example, the following sequences could be
set-up for monitor A:
CAMEO 1: 01, 05, 09, 13
CAMEO 2: 02, 06, 10, 14
CAMEO 3: 03, 07, 11, 15
CAMEO 4: 04, 08, 12, 16
NOTE: If this feature is not programmed for a custom configuration, the factory default setting takes the cameras
in order (e.g. first quad - cameras 1,2,3,4; second quad - cameras 5,6,7,8, etc.)
5.3RS-232 Setup for PC/Printer/VCRs/Camera ID
The System4 model multiplexer has a console port which can be configured for a PC, ECL, printer, Camera ID, or
connected to a VCR.
When connected to a PC, new software can be downloaded to the multiplexer.Additionally, the LTC 2650
Graphical User Interface software and a PC running Windows 95, 98, or NT can be used to control the
CCL command for programming and controlling the multiplexer.
When connected to selected Philips CSS VCRs, LTC 2601/00 or LTC 2602/00 keyboard will control primary
VCR functions (Record, Play, Stop, Fast Forward, Rewind).
When a printer is connected, a copy of the logged events can be printed.
• Autoprint: Can be enabled to automatically print log events as they occur.
NOTE: The print commands are not displayed in the PC/Printer menu until the CONNECT TO parameter is set to
Camera ID:This feature allows the transfer of camera identification, based on the record list setup through the
console port to an external digital recording device.
NOTE: Camera ID available only for the VCR output of the multiplexer (Does not provide Camera ID for Mon B
Record Out).
LTC 2600 Series Section 5 Enhanced Model Functions