7.7 Installation
The Installation sub-menu includes the following items:
o Antenna Setting
o Add Service
o Signal Test
o Product Identifier
o Factory Default
o Software Update.
7.7.1 Antenna Setting
This feature is used to set the antenna settings.
- Select Antenna Setting from the Installation menu to
access the Antenna Setting screen.
Note: access to this menu can be protected by Pin Code.
- Select appropriate values for the following:
• Port: up to 4 ports
Note: this item is used to configure the DiSEqC option for
multiple LNBs.
• Satellite: select the appropriate satellite using arrow
• LNB Type: select your LNB type. If you use an universal
LNB, select Universal (default value).
• LNB Freq.
1: set automatically according to the satellite
and LNB Type selected. If you have a dual LNB, enter
the proper value in the value box.
• LNB Freq. 2: set automatically according to the satellite
and LNB Type selected.
• 22KHz Tone: select the switches with which you want
to configure the antenna.
- To exit the Antenna Setting screen, press the <BACK> key
of the remote control to finish antenna setup.The message
“Are y
ou sure you want to change the configuration of
Antenna setup?” is displayed.
- Select the <OK> button on screen and then wait for the
data to be saved.
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