Small Signal Panel (SSM)
1. Remove rear Jack Panel cover (AC08).
2. Remove 2 screws from the center of the SSP CBA.
3. Pull 3 tabs on right of panel bracket.
4. Lift right side of SSP, then move to the right to remove.
Side Jack Panel
1. Remove Left Side Back Cover. (See procedure above.)
2. Remove 2 screws from panel.
3. Slide Side Jack Panel CBA out of bracket.
PIP Panel Removal
1. Remove rear Jack Panel cover (AC08).
2. Remove 3 screws from PIP panel.
Small Signal Board (SSB)
1. Remove panel support bracket (AC23).
2. Remove panel support bracket (AC21).
3. Tilt SSB to the right and then up.
Convergence (ACS) Panel Removal
1. Remove panel support bracket (AC21).
2. Release stay tabs on Left side of each board connector and carefully separate ACS from SSP connectors.
Wide Band Video (HOP) Panel
1. Remove panel support bracket (AC21).
2. Disconnect ribbon cable connectors.
3. Release stay tabs on Left side of each board connector and carefully separate from SSP connectors.
Front Control Panel and Left or Right Speaker
1. Remove front speaker baffle (AC30) by removing Left and Right Side Back Covers.
2. Release 2 tabs on either side of the speaker baffle.
3. Loosen ribbon cable and grounding wire to allow working space.
4. Remove 2 screws to remove Front Control panel.
5. Remove 4 screws each to remove speakers.
Plastic Light Barrier (Optical Assembly)
1. Remove 2 screws (E) located at either end of the plastic light barrier.
Complete Optical Assembly or Individual Light Box Assemblies
1. Remove the Plastic Light Barrier.
2. Disconnect the CRT panels, 2
anode leads (at HVT), and yoke connectors from assemblies to be
3. To remove the complete Optical Assembly, remove 4 screws (G), and lift assembly up and out.
4. To remove individual CRT assemblies, remove 4 screws (H), from the assembly you wish to remove,
and lift assembly up and out.
DO NOT disturb the focus assembly wing nuts.