Chapter 5 Managing Business Cards
5.5 Searching Contacts
You can quickly and efciently nd your contacts with WorldCard Search features.
5.5.1 Text Search
The Text Search command of the WorldCard software allows you to quickly nd a
specic contact. To use Text Search in the WorldCard Management window, on the View
menu point to Search, and click Text Search.
The Text Search pane appears as follows:
In the Text Search pane, enter a key word or a group of key words separated by a
blank space in the Search box and click the Search button
. The Search pane will update, displaying the results as in the following picture.
In the left pane, there is a list of all categories where the data from your search string was
found. The right pane shows the search results that display all of the applicable elds for the
cards stored in your WorldCard database.
You can double-click on any record displayed in the Search Results pane to open the
card in the Editing window.
Tip: You may enter the Text Search win-
dow directly from the WorldCard
Management window by clicking the
Search button .