Fig. 4-f
Fig. 4-h
Fig. 4-d
H Install the tensioner using the factory nut
and washer. (Fig. 4-e.)
B. Install the spacer and pulley. Re-use the
factory center bolt and install the six bolts
and washers that are supplied in the kit.
Torque to factory specifications. (See Fig.
I. Re-install the factory tensioner pulley and
install the belt. (See Figs. 4-f, 4-g, 4-h.)
*** NOTE ***
On 1999-2001 vehicles follow the procedures
A. Loosen the large crank-pulley retain-
ing bolt.
B. Using the three-jaw pulley, slowly
remove the pulley. You will have to
use the retaining bolt to back up the
pulley so there will not be damage to
the crank threads.
C. Once you have the pulley removed
set aside it will not be reused.
D. With the supplied crank pulley rein-
stall the crank pulley. Using the fac-
tory retaining bolt slowly pull the
new pulley in to place. Take care not
to damage the threads.
E. Once the supplied pulley has been
installed, remove the factory retaining
bolt. Install the supplied dowel pins
and supplied supercharger pulley
*** NOTE ***
This spacer fits tight. Take care in installing this so as
not to damage it or the new crank pulley.
Reinstall the factory crank pulley
retaining bolt using locktite and torque
to factory specs.
F. Install the supplied supercharger pulley
using the supplied fasteners and lock-
G. Check the factory crank pulley belt for
alignment with accessories to assure
that the new crank pulley is properly
installed and seated.