• AUX output: AUX output will be supplied. The [AUX] buttons will be displayed on the “Live” page.
• Exposure output
: CCD exposure timing pulse output will be supplied (Close output is only
supplied during CCD exposure).
• Default: Off
Determine how to use terminal.
• Off: Not used.
• Alarm input: Receives alarms.
• Black & white input
: Receives the black & white switchover input. (When the input is set to On,
the black & white mode is activated.)
• Default: Off
• In order for the EXT I/O terminals to detect alarm inputs when the terminal status is changed from Open
to Close (On) or from Close to Open (Off), about 100 ms or more is needed. Because alarms cannot
be detected for about 5 seconds after a detection is made, alarm inputs received within about 5 seconds
after an alarm is detected are not detected.
• AUX is a camera terminal that allows users to operate (Open/Close) arbitrarily from the “Live” page.
For example, an operator can remotely control lights in a place where the camera is installed by
connecting the terminal to the light controller.
• Refer to the installation guide for further information about input/output rating of each terminal.
• While “Alarm input” is being selected, an alarm is detected when the terminal status is changed to
“On”. (Default)
It is possible to configure the setting so that an alarm is detected when the terminal status is changed
to “Off”. Refer to our website (http://security.panasonic.com/pss/security/support/info.html) for further
information about the setting.
[VMD alarm]
When clicking “VMD >>”, the [VMD area] tab of the “Alarm” page will be displayed.
[Command alarm]
Select “On” or “Off” to determine whether or not to receive the command alarm.
The command alarm is the function that provides notification of a Panasonic protocol alarm from the other
cameras. When “On” is selected, alarm actions will be performed between multiple cameras.
• Default: Off
[Originating port number]
Select a port number to be used to receive the command alarm.
• Available range: 1-65535
• Default: 8181
The following port numbers are unavailable since they are already in use.
20, 21, 23, 25, 42, 53, 67, 68, 69, 80, 110, 123, 161, 162, 443
, 554, 995, 10669, 10670, 59000-61000
136 Operating Instructions
13 Configure the alarm settings [Alarm]