INSTALL MPU955 Time Management Utility 15
Setting Main CPU IPA
The IP address of the main CPU(s) must be set before any transfer or
adjustments can be made to the NSS. Follow the steps below in order
to make such adjustments. Ask your installer or network
administrator for the IPA of the Main A and Main B CPUs.
1. Open the MPU955 Time Management Utility.
Configure the CPU IP addresses.
For first time operation, the Main CPU IP address will not be set. The
administrator must enter the correct IPA for the system CPU(s).
2. Make sure Main A is displayed in the drop-down list.
3. Click the “IPA Setup” button in the toolbar.
• Tip: Double-click on the IP address displayed to open the IPA
setup window as a shortcut.
The Main A IP address setup window will appear.
4. Enter the correct IP address.
5. Click the green check mark to save, the red X to cancel.
6. Choose Main B from the drop-down list.
7. Click the “IPA Setup” button in the toolbar.
8. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for Main B CPU.