Getting Started
Notes on use
To view clear images:
● Theaudiencecannotenjoyhigh-contrastandclearimagesifoutsidelightortheilluminationinterferesthe
screen surface. Draw window curtains or blinds, turn off the lightings near the screen or take other proper
● Inrarecases,wafturecanoccuronthescreenaffectedbythewarmairfromtheexhaustportdependingon
the environment. Make sure that there is no equipment in front of the set which will recirculate the exhaust
air from the set or other nearby equipment.
Do not touch the surface of the projection lens with bare hand.
If fingerprints or stains are left on the projection lens surface, they are magnified and projected on the screen.
Keep your hands away from the lens. Cover the lens with the supplied lens cap when the projector is not used.
If the screen has stains, flaws or discoloration, clear images cannot be viewed. When handling the screen, be
careful not to apply volatile substances or leave flaws or stains on the screen.
A mercury lamp with high internal pressure is used for the light source of this product. A high-pressure mercury
lamp has the following characteristics:
● Itmayburstwithaloudsoundorenditslifecyclebynotilluminatingbecauseofgivenimpacts,flaws,or
deterioration due to used hours.
● Thelifecycleofamercurylampvariesaccordingtotheindividualdifferenceorconditionsofuse.In
particular, turning the power on and off frequently and/or repeatedly will greatly affect the life cycle.
● Inrarecases,itmayburstshortlyafterthefirstlighting.
● Thepossibilityofburstincreaseswhenthelampisusedbeyondthereplacementtime.
Be sure to remove the power cord plug from the receptacle before cleaning.
● Use soft and dry cloth to clean the cabinet
Use a soft cloth moistened in warm water to clean away oil. If a chemical wipe is used, follow its
● Do not clean the lens surface with fuzzy or dusty cloth.
If dust adheres to the lens, it will be magnified and projected on the screen. Use a soft and clean cloth to
wipe off dust.
To discard the product, call the dealer or a specialized dealer.