Chapter 3 Interrupts
III - 6
■Interrupt Sources and Vector Addresses
Here is the list of interrupt vector address and interrupt group.
Table 3-1-2 Interrupt Vector Address and Interrupt Group
For unused interrupts and reserved interrupts, set the address on which the RTI instruction
is described to the corresponded address.
Vector Vector
Number Address
0 x'04000' Reset - - -
1 x'04004' Non-maskable interrupt NMI NMICR x'03FE1'
2 x'04008' External interrupt 0 IRQ0 IRQ0ICR x'03FE2'
3 x'0400C' External interrupt 1 IRQ1 IRQ1ICR x'03FE3'
4 x'04010' External interrupt 2 IRQ2 IRQ2ICR x'03FE4'
5 x'04014' External interrupt 3 IRQ3 IRQ3ICR x'03FE5'
6 x'04018' External interrupt 4 IRQ4 IRQ4ICR x'03FE6'
7 x'0401C' Reserved - - -
8 x'04020' Reserved - - -
9 x'04024' Timer 0 interrupt TM0IRQ TM0ICR x'03FE9'
10 x'04028' Timer 1 interrupt TM1IRQ TM1ICR x'03FEA'
11 x'0402C' Reserved - - -
12 x'04030' Reserved - - -
13 x'04034' Timer 4 interrupt TM4IRQ TM4ICR x'03FED'
14 x'04038' Timer 5 interrupt TM5IRQ TM5ICR x'03FEE'
15 x'0403C' Timer 6 interrupt TM6IRQ TM6ICR x'03FEF'
16 x'04040' Time base interrupt TBIRQ TBICR x'03FF0'
17 x'04044' Timer 7 interrupt TM7IRQ TM7ICR x'03FF1'
18 x'04048' Timer 7 compare2-match T7OC2IRQ T7OC2ICR x'03FF2'
19 x'0404C' Serial interface 4 interrupt SC4IRQ SC4ICR x'03FF3'
20 x'04050' Serial interface 0 reception interrupt SC0RIRQ SC0RICR x'03FF4'
21 x'04054' Serial interface 0 transmission interrupt SC0TIRQ SC0TICR x'03FF5'
22 x'04058' Serial interface 1 reception interrupt SC1RIRQ SC1RICR x'03FF6'
23 x'0405C' Serial interface 1 transmission interrupt SC1TIRQ SC1TICR x'03FF7'
24 x'04060' Reserved - - -
25 x'04064' Serial interface 3 interrupt SC3IRQ SC3ICR x'03FF9'
26 x'04068' A/D converter interrupt ADIRQ ADICR x'03FFA'
27 x'0406C' Reserved - - -
28 x'04070' ATC1 interrupt ATC1IRQ ATC1ICR x'03FFC'
29 x'04074' Reserved - - -
30 x'04078' Reserved - - -
Interrupt group
(Interrupt source)
Control Register