
2.7 Connection of Extensions
Installation Manual 113
2.7 Connection of Extensions
2.7.1 Maximum Cabling Distances of the Extension Wiring
(Twisted Cable)
The maximum cabling distance may vary depending on the conditions.
* The maximum cabling distance from the Hybrid IP-PBX is the same even when the KX-T7600 series
DPT is the master DPT on the Digital XDP connection.
Cable Maximum Distance
26 AWG: 500 m (1640 ft)
24 AWG: 720 m (2362 ft)
22 AWG: 830 m (2723 ft)
CAT 5: 720 m (2362 ft)
Cable Maximum Distance
26 AWG: 140 m (459 ft)
24 AWG: 229 m (751 ft)
22 AWG: 360 m (1181 ft)
CAT 5: 229 m (751 ft)
Cable Maximum Distance
26 AWG: 698 m (2289 ft)
24 AWG: 1128 m (3700 ft)
22 AWG: 1798 m (5897 ft)
CAT 5: 1128 m (3700 ft
Other PT (DPT/APT)
and DSS Console
KX-T7600 Series DPT*
PT-interface CS
Cable Maximum Distance
26 AWG: 222 m (728 ft)
24 AWG: 347 m (1138 ft)
22 AWG: 500 m (1640 ft)
CAT 5: 347 m (1138 ft)