
IV - 49
Chapter 4 I/O Ports
Synchronous Output (Port 7)
Table 4-11-1 Synchronous Output Control Registers
4-11-2 Registers
Table 4-11-1 shows the synchronous output control registers of port 6.
Register Address R/W Function Page
FLOAT x'03F2E' R/W Pin control register 1 IV - 41
P6SYO x'03F1F' R/W Synchronous output control register IV - 42
P6DIR x'03F36' R/W Port 6 direction control register IV - 40
P6PLU x'03F46' R/W Port 6 Pull-up/pull-down control register IV - 40
P6OUT x'03F16' R/W Port 6 output register IV - 40
Port 6